So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

~ Matthew 6:34

Monday, June 10, 2013

First week in review and what's new on the horizon

So, I'm just a couple days past my first week of my health journey to weight loss and alleviation of my PCOS. I feel like I have learned so much thus far; it's quite amazing to me.

After many failed attempts in the past at altering my health, this time around, I decided to be more methodical in my approach. I ditched the Superwoman notion (trying to start modifying diet, exercise, and lifestyle all at once) and opted for a slower route to welcoming change into my life.

Last week, I focused solely on getting in a routine with my Insulite Laboratories PCOS System supplements. It may sound like I was being lazy, but let me quantify this for you: there are 18 supplements per day in the program. Yes, 18. There are varying times of dosing and they are spread throughout the morning, day, and evening for proper effect. This takes some getting used to and planning. I have a tendency to start strong and then fizzle out, so I really wanted to make a good go of it this time around.

I did not really focus on altering my diet as much as I thought I would the first week. I made healthier choices overall, but did fall back into some old habits a time or three. Want to know one thing I'm not doing this go-round though? Shaming myself for what I did "wrong." I knew I fell back into some old habits and instead of beating myself up about it and quitting (like I have SO many times in the past), I decided that it was all part of the journey.

Something astonishing happened to me this first week. I welcomed back into my life more pure, unadulterated energy than I have had in YEARS. Honestly. By midweek, I was thinking more clearly, sleeping better, and able to get through the day without literally falling onto the couch at 3 p.m. unable to move without a nap.

In short, I felt alive again. *Cue the robe-clad choir shouting, "Praise Him! Praise Him!"*

I realize this all sounds so dramatic. Like, come on, did you really not feel "alive" for years of your life? Well, no, I didn't. And I would venture to guess it's a sentiment most women with PCOS or health problems would second in a heartbeat. I literally thought I had lost my vim and vigor; I thought it was just a byproduct of growing older, parenting, etc.

Then, BAM! The fog cleared and I woke up. Now, I don't want to place too much emphasis, but I do like to give credit where credit is due. I think a majority of the improvement was due to the supplements. I need to add that I am in no way affiliated with Insulite Laboratories. Heck, they wouldn't even know I exist except that I paid them a grip to help me with my PCOS in the form of supplements.

Needless to say, I have noticed a great difference in myself over the last five days or so. With increased energy came a better mood, less mental fog, and reinforcement that I can do this. I can overcome my PCOS.

This week, I have thrown another iron into the old fire. Nutrition. I have struggled for a long time with what appropriate nutrition is for PCOS. I once read a natural PCOS diet book that was a very enlightening read, but the "diet" it put you on left me feeling I'd failed before I'd even started; it was that restrictive. I know myself better than that. You tell me to go left and I'm going right, baby. I'm a nonconformist through and through.

So, I had assumed there was nothing out there to help and I was on my own in creating a nutrition plan for myself. However, I stumbled upon a wonderful resource in my research this weekend. The website PCOS Diva offers paid meal plans tailor-made for PCOS. This find was truly an answer to prayer. There are meal plans for each season of the year that focus on seasonal produce and eating to the way your body functions in each particular season. For $34, you get a six-week meal plan for the season you choose (I chose summer, obviously) that is broken out into five days of breakfast, lunch, AND dinner meals. Snack ideas and shopping lists are also included for each week. All of the recipes are included as well. It is seriously the best thing since sliced bread (gluten-free, whole grain sliced bread, of course).

It is easy to read, the recipes and shopping lists are concise, and Amy (aka the PCOS Diva) even gives you notes on why you are eating certain things from a nutrition standpoint and info on where to obtain hard-to-find items.

I just began Week 1 of the Summer Meal Plan and I am loving it so far. There are no weird recipes and they don't require 100 ingredients like some fancypants recipes I've found. I will say that it is an adjustment if you are moving to these meal plans from the Standard American Diet, so be prepared to restock your pantry with an arsenal of good-for-you staples and snacks. I believe it will be worth it in the long run.

Might I mention that I am also not affiliated in any way with PCOS Diva. I simply found the site through some nutrition searching. It was a Godsend.

I'm looking forward to spending more time in my kitchen now, preparing healthy, PCOS-friendly food for myself and my family. It would be nice to see my checkbook get more full and my pants get more loose from less eating out as well. I'm not gonna lie.

With that long diatribe, I'm going to leave you with a little dose of love from Kid President. This kid is seriously hilarious. Given that PCOS is linked to diabetes, I figured this is apropos. Enjoy.

Note: From 1:11-1:18 of this video, I nearly pee my pants every.single.time I watch it. Where'd they find this kid?

1 comment:

  1. I just found your block via a link that PCOS Diva posted. You and I are in the same boat. I just started the insulite supplements a month ago and this week I'm starting the meal plan. Now all I have to do is talk myself into an exercise routine-normally I like exercising, but I have had no motivation to do so lately so this could be a challenge.
