So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

~ Matthew 6:34

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Something's rotten in Mudville ...

I'm here. Still alive, but I'm barely breathing ...

After a rough two weeks, I have been down and out with some craziness called "viral syndrome" for the last week. As we say in our house, it is SO beef! 100% pure Grade A beef. 

Thus, I haven't been around. This is the first day I have spent more than a half-hour sitting upright. It's the little things, right? 

So, not much to report as I've not been following my meal plan due to my illness and I have stopped my supplements while I'm ill as well. 

But, always one to look for the silver lining, I do have an accomplishment to report. 

Actually, I'll let Cher do the talking for me.

Yep. One victory won. More to go. Big victory though for PCOS and a cycle that's been asleep for almost a year. Holla! Forgive me for the TMI.

I'll be back when I can resume the regularly scheduled programming. 

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